3rd Sunday Next Steps
10:30 AM10:30

3rd Sunday Next Steps

Every third Sunday between services, from 10:30 to 11am we will host a 3rd Sunday Next Steps. Sign up to attend here.

This is a time for guests and those interested in membership to meet the Pastors, Staff & Elders, hear about the mission and ministries of Oso Creek Church, and ask questions about what it means to become an active part of community, in our meeting room behind the coffee bar.

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Church Without Walls
2:15 PM14:15

Church Without Walls

This is a great opportunity to provide a meal to the homeless and low income working poor in Flour Bluff.

We are scheduled to provide the meal at Church Without Walls, as well as serve the meal and have conversations with the members. Please arrive at 2:15 at the Escalante's residence (737 Claride St. in Flour Bluff). Pastor Rey will be leading the devotional and then lunch will be served. Sign ups coming!

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Blood Drive
9:00 AM09:00

Blood Drive

Coastal Bend Blood Center holding a blood drive right here at Oso Creek Church. Give so that others can live. We have a goal of collecting at least 12 units of blood and need your help recruiting donors to give the gift of life this month! Interested individuals can call the Blood Center at 361-855-4943 to schedule an appointment, or online sign ups coming!

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3rd Sunday Next Steps
10:30 AM10:30

3rd Sunday Next Steps

Every third Sunday between services, from 10:30 to 11am we will host a 3rd Sunday Next Steps. Sign up to attend here.

This is a time for guests and those interested in membership to meet the Pastors, Staff & Elders, hear about the mission and ministries of Oso Creek Church, and ask questions about what it means to become an active part of community, in our meeting room behind the coffee bar.

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Students Valentine's Dinner Fundraiser
6:00 PM18:00

Students Valentine's Dinner Fundraiser

Our student group is working hard to find ways to serve our church families and also raise money for their camp fee. Join us at Oso on Feb 15th, Saturday evening at 6:00pm, for a nice meal served by our students and a guided painting session. There is childcare (pizza and activities) for birth to 5th grade. Please, bring a friend and be our guest! Please RSVP here by February 10th to reserve your spot! Cost: generous donations towards youth students camp or mission trip fee.

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BSM Dinner at Oso
6:45 PM18:45

BSM Dinner at Oso

We are feeding hungry college students during their weekly evening worship service, right here at Oso Creek Church as they kick off their spring semester. We are expecting around 50 people. Please have the food here by 6:45pm. You are welcome to stay and help serve, but that is not required, please let us know in the comments if you can. Sign up here!

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3rd Sunday Next Steps
10:30 AM10:30

3rd Sunday Next Steps

Every third Sunday between services, from 10:30 to 11am we will host a 3rd Sunday Next Steps. Sign up to attend here.

This is a time for guests and those interested in membership to meet the Oso staff, hear about the mission and ministries of Oso Creek Church, and ask questions about what it means to become an active part of community, in our meeting room behind the coffee bar.

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Blood Drive
9:00 AM09:00

Blood Drive

Coastal Bend Blood Center holding a blood drive right here at Oso Creek Church. Give so that others can live. We have a goal of collecting at least 12 units of blood and need your help recruiting donors to give the gift of life this month! Interested individuals can call the Blood Center at 361-855-4943 to schedule an appointment, or sign up online. Walk-ins welcome.

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London Bridges Mission Trip Sign Up Meeting
10:30 AM10:30

London Bridges Mission Trip Sign Up Meeting

Oso Creek Church London Bridges Mission Trip Sign up Meeting Sunday, January 12, 10:30am (between services) Each summer thousands of Gulf Arabs come to London for vacation. Most of them have never heard the truth about Jesus. While it is illegal to evangelize or distribute Bibles in the home countries of most of these Arabs, summertime in London provides the opportunity to share Jesus and His Word with them. London Bridges is an outreach that is participated by believers from all over the world and Oso is hoping to take a team this summer! Find out about going or supporting or come ask questions. June 27-July 7, 2025 Est. Cost - $1400 + airfare Questions: email Elizabeth, admin@osocreek.org

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Church Without Walls
2:15 PM14:15

Church Without Walls

This is a great opportunity to provide a meal to the homeless and low income working poor in Flour Bluff.

We are scheduled to provide the meal at Church Without Walls, as well as serve the meal and have conversations with the members. Please arrive at 2:15 at the Escalante's residence (737 Claride St. in Flour Bluff). Pastor Rey will be leading the devotional and then lunch will be served. Sign up https://www.PerfectPotluck.com/JPVN3478

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3rd Sunday Next Steps
10:30 AM10:30

3rd Sunday Next Steps

Every third Sunday between services, from 10:30 to 11am we will host a 3rd Sunday Next Steps. Sign up to attend here.

This is a time for guests and those interested in membership to meet the Pastors, Staff & Elders, hear about the mission and ministries of Oso Creek Church, and ask questions about what it means to become an active part of community, in our meeting room behind the coffee bar. Childcare is provided for children under six in the classroom next door. We invite older children and teens to be a part.

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Student FEASTival
6:30 PM18:30

Student FEASTival

Oso Creek's Annual Student FEASTival celebrating all we have done in Oso Students this year and looking forward to what is to come next year. We will provide a meal for parents and youth students. We want this to be a special time for youth and parents so children 1st-5th grade are asked to join Oso Kids Connect and kinder and younger, we will provide childcare. Register: https://osocreek.breezechms.com/form/456514 Wed, Nov. 20, 6:30-8:30

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3rd Sunday Next Steps
10:30 AM10:30

3rd Sunday Next Steps

Every third Sunday between services, from 10:30 to 11am we will host a 3rd Sunday Next Steps.

This is a time for guests and those interested in membership to meet the Pastors, Staff & Elders, hear about the mission and ministries of Oso Creek Church, and ask questions about what it means to become an active part of community, in our meeting room behind the coffee bar. Childcare is provided for children under six in the classroom next door. We invite older children and teens to be a part.

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London Bridges Mission Trip Interest Meeting
10:30 AM10:30

London Bridges Mission Trip Interest Meeting

Oso Creek Church London Bridges Mission Trip Interest Meeting Sunday, Nov. 10, 10:30am (between services) Each summer thousands of Gulf Arabs come to London for vacation. Most of them have never heard the truth about Jesus. While it is illegal to evangelize or distribute Bibles in the home countries of most of these Arabs, summertime in London provides the opportunity to share Jesus and His Word with them. London Bridges is an outreach that is participated by believers from all over the world and Oso is hoping to take a team this summer! Find out about going or supporting or come ask questions. June 27-July 7, 2025 Est. Cost - $1400 + airfare Questions: email Elizabeth, admin@osocreek.org

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PJs & Praise - Oso Ladies Fall Social
9:30 AM09:30

PJs & Praise - Oso Ladies Fall Social

Women’s Fall event - PJs & Praise Nov. 9, 9:30-11am

Ladies, are you ready for a fun morning together!?! Stay in your PJs and grab your friends to be a part. We’ll have hot fall drinks, yummy breakfast items and we’ll do a Christmas craft. There will be a time of Praise & Worship and prayer. Childcare is available for those who need it to be able to attend. We will have a special guest selling Olive Wood nativities and other decorations from the Holy Land. These are beautiful works of art and support believers who are suffering right now. Just as in Romans 15 when the apostle Paul speaks of churches giving a contribution to the Lord’s people who are poor in the Holy Land, we can be a part of that today! Below, see a letter from Yara about their work and purpose. She accepts cash, cards and check.

My name is Yara Khair. I’m from Bethlehem, Holy Land. I along with my family (my husband and our 3 children) are a part of a group called Holy Land Artwork, a group with a heartfelt mission. We recently moved to Corpus Christi. Our purpose is straightforward: we visit churches to raise awareness about the Christian community in the Holy Land whose numbers have significantly decreased, with less than 1% remaining today. We engage in meaningful conversations with the church-goers, and share the challenges faced by these Christian families, particularly their tough economic, religious and social circumstances. We set up a table displaying olive wood artwork crafted by Christian families in Bethlehem and Jerusalem. These pieces provide an opportunity for the parishioners, if they want to, to support these Christian communities that made these products. It's important to emphasize that we do not seek donations and avoid political discussions. Our only focus is to shed light on the hardships the Christian community face in the Holy Land. Your endorsement would greatly assist in amplifying our mission and standing in solidarity with Christians in the Holy Land.

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Monday Night Activities
to Nov 25

Monday Night Activities

  • Fellowship of Oso Creek (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Monday Night Activities - Women’s & Men’s Bible Study - Mondays, 6:30-8:15. Oct. 28 - Nov. 25 Winning the War in Your Mind. Books are $12. Childcare provided, and Kids’ Praise & Worship Team practice for grades 1-5 will meet at the same time.

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Blood Drive
9:00 AM09:00

Blood Drive

Coastal Bend Blood Center holding a blood drive right here at Oso Creek Church. Give so that others can live. We have a goal of collecting at least 12 units of blood and need your help recruiting donors to give the gift of life this month! Interested individuals can call the Blood Center at 361-855-4943 to schedule an appointment, or sign up online. Walk-ins welcome.

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All Missions Night
6:30 PM18:30

All Missions Night

Everyone is invited to this evening to hear about what God is doing as Oso Creek Church is On Mission! Hear about upcoming trips, learn about our missionary partners and more. Childcare for kinder and under, children grades 1 and up are invited to be a part.

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Faith Unshaken Conference
9:00 AM09:00

Faith Unshaken Conference

The first ever ‘Faith Unshaken” conference that will be held at Oso Creek on Saturday, October 5th. This will be an apologetics one-day conference where we will discover compelling arguments and strategies for defending the truth in a world often clouded by skepticism and to equip yourself to confidently address crucial questions. This will be taught by our own Jonathan Logan, Jonathan Stubbs & Steven Jundt who have a passion for Biblical apologetics. There will be an hour break for people to go get lunch. Register (no cost) today: https://osocreek.breezechms.com/form/072947

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Church Without Walls
2:15 PM14:15

Church Without Walls

This is a great opportunity to provide a meal to the homeless and low income working poor in Flour Bluff.

We are scheduled to provide the meal at Church Without Walls, as well as serve the meal and have conversations with the members. Please arrive at 2:15 at the Escalante's residence (737 Claride St. in Flour Bluff). Pastor Rey will be leading the devotional and then lunch will be served. Sign up https://www.PerfectPotluck.com/JPVN3478 .

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