Pastor Greg continues the series: Little Stories, Big Truths: the Parables of Jesus. The parable for today is all about the Rich Man & Lazarus in Luke 16. We learn 8 very important things this week from this very vivid picture that Jesus paints about this life and the next life in eternity through this parable. Pastor Greg will talk about 4 this week and then the final 4 next week.
Read MoreToday Pastor Greg unpacks the parables of the Wheat & Weeds as well as the Net and Fish found in Matthew 13. As we live right now in the Kingdom of Christ on this earth, the righteous have to co-exist with the unrighteous. What is the proper attitude believers should have, especially when it seems as if the ‘unrighteous’ & wicket seem to prosper and get ahead in this life. Jesus has an answer to these questions within His the parables that He uses to teach some profound truths.
Read MoreThis morning Pastor Greg continues the series: Little Stories, Big Truths-the Parables of Jesus, by talking about D-I-R-T. The first parable that Jesus gives after changing His method of teaching the people (last week’s message) is the parable of the ‘Seed & the Sower’. We find out in this message that the difference between producing fruit or not is the condition of the soil. What does that mean for us? Find out in this message titled: “What Kind of Dirt Are You?”
Read MoreThis morning Pastor Greg begins a new series based on the Parables of Jesus found in the Gospels. The series is called: Little Stories, Big Truths. Today’s message discusses why Jesus switched His teaching method and began speaking exclusively in parables as He taught about the Kingdom. What are parables? What was the purpose of Jesus speaking in parables? The answer is both encouraging and sobering and makes us truly want to be a seeker of Jesus.
Read MoreThis morning BSM collegiate ministry coordinator & Creeker Cody Conroy will be speaking from God’s Word in both messages. Cody & his wife Haley are 2 young adults who are on fire for the Lord God. It’s encouraging and contagious when you are around them. Cody has such a love & reverence for the Word of God. They have been missionaries and involved in student/young adult ministry for many years. We are honored that Cody is speaking today.
Read MoreThis morning Pastor Greg continues on the theme of living with intentionality for the Lord. Living with purpose, focus, direction, and intentionality for God. He talks about 3 “I Am” statements that the Apostle Paul declared. 3 statements that are intentional and so very applicable to us today.
Read MoreThis morning Pastor Greg speaks on intentionality. We are called as believers to live lives of intentionality for the Lord & His Kingdom. This then flows down to every part & detail of our life. We typically live with ‘good intentions’,but good intentions are way different than living with intentionality
Read MoreHappy New Year!! In this first message of the year, Pastor Greg speaks on a topic that should be a distinguishing mark in every believer’s life. We see it in creation, we see it at the end of time, and for over 20 centuries it has been a part of the lives of the people of God. What we are talking about is different than the world’s happiness, it’s a lasting inner contentment and we are glad.
Read MoreWith one Sunday left in December, Pastor Greg visits another aspect of the Christmas story again. This part of the story, though, takes place AFTER the scene of the manager, the angelic pronouncement to the shepherds, the heavenly choir, and the excitement of the lowly shepherds. What do we do the ‘day after Christmas’? How should we approach Jesus after all the decorations are put away, the social media Christmas posts are over, and the excitement of the season has finished?
Read MoreThe Oso Creek Christmas Eve Eve service is a special celebration held on December 23rd, offering a unique opportunity for the community to come together before Christmas Eve. This service features candlelight, festive music, scripture readings, and joyful carols, all reflecting the spirit of Christmas. It provides a moment for reflection and anticipation of Christ's birth, allowing families and individuals to prepare their hearts for the holiday. The Oso Creek service is a meaningful tradition for many, bringing warmth, joy, and a sense of community during the holiday season
Read MoreThe Greatest Gift ever given to humanity is Jesus Christ. His birth, death, and resurrection brought hope, love, and redemption to the world. Jesus, the Son of God, came to teach us how to love unconditionally, forgive endlessly, and live with compassion. His message of peace, grace, and forgiveness continues to inspire and transform lives.
Read More“I doubt God hears me.” This is a statement that many believers utter because many of our prayers seemingly go unanswered. This morning we continue talking about doubt by examining 2 pretty obscure characters of the Christmas story found in Luke 2. They had been praying for a long time without an answer. What do we do when it seems as if our prayers go unanswered? That is the subject of this morning’s message.
Read MoreThis morning we examine how some of Jesus' followers & disciples ‘doubted’ Him after the resurrection in Matthew 28:17. What did this mean & what kind of ‘doubt’ were they exhibiting? When we uncover the meaning behind this very specific Greek word, we will find the reality that many coming to churches every Sunday exhibit this same type of ‘doubt’. Let’s go all in for Jesus.
Read MoreJoin us this week as Pastor Jonathan dives into the boldness that God brought to the New Testament Church.
Read MoreThis morning we continue to talk about doubt. Last week we talked about doubting the Word of God. This week we will look at the Old Testament characters Sarah & Abraham and see how they doubted God’s promise. We often find ourselves giving the same type of response as these Biblical characters when we read or hear the Promises of God. How should we stand on God’s promises, even when there could be a delay in their fulfillment. These are the questions Pastor Greg addresses in his message today.
Read MoreThis morning we start a mini-series that we are calling: “But…What About My Doubts?’. We are going to take a few weeks and examine a few characters of the Bible who were faced with doubt and see how they responded & reacted. Is spiritual doubt normal for the believer? What are we to do about spiritual doubt? Is there any good that can come from spiritual doubt? ← this is what we want to discuss as we examine Adam & Eve in Genesis 3.
Read MoreThe world we live in is steeped in what Pastor Greg likes to call, “the ME culture”. What is that all about & does the Bible speak about how we should live in the “ME culture”. That is what Pastor Greg talks about in a sort of ‘addendum’ message to our last series, “Decision Time: Be The Difference’ by talking about one MAJOR way in which we can be more like Christ & different than the world (especially in this hyper-divisive culture we find ourselves in). God bless you.
Read MoreThis morning we finish the series that we have been in: ‘Decision Time: Be The Difference’ by talking out “OUR VOTE”. Everyone says that your vote counts during an election year, and that is definitely true regarding our SPIRITUAL VOTE. There are only 2 candidates in this race that we can ‘cast our vote for’ (Matthew 6:24). How do you even cast a ‘spiritual vote’? That’s what Pastor Greg is going to discuss, but it’s in one simple phrase: who do you trust?
Read MoreToday, Pastor Jonathan continues our series: Decision Time: The hour has come. Join us as we explore Paul’s challenge to the Church.
Read MoreAs we continue our series: Decision Time: Be the difference this morning, we talk about a very practical way that we can make a difference for the Kingdom of God and be like Christ by obeying a command told to Adam & Eve in Genesis 1. Be Fruitful & Multiply.
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