Pastor’s Corner

Creekers, good morning…albeit a chilly one….bbbbrrrrrr….

Our biggest outreach, the annual Easter Festival, is right around the corner. The VOLUNTEER BOARD is out in the lobby & ready for signing up. We need ALL of the spaces filled up. This is an amazing outreach where over 1000 people storm our campus and have a BLAST as we serve them & present the Gospel message to them on a hay ride!! It’s a lot of fun and we grow together doing this. We have changed the logo this year and will be giving out NEW shirts this year for the adults/teens serving this year.

We are also about to schedule a ‘Baby Dedication’ Sunday very soon. Our congregation has been blessed to have so many new born babies (quite a few what will be delivered very soon!). Please let us know if you, your family, & your child is interested in participating in our dedication service.

“He who has ears to hear…..” we are continuing our series on the parables of Jesus with a DOOZY of a parable this morning. Jesus actually paints a very vivid picture of the afterlife and we are going to learn A LOT

I do want to welcome Michael & Arlas Blackwell to the Oso Creek Church family! They became official members of the church and we welcome them. Please see me if you would like more information or are interested in becoming an official member of Oso Creek Church.

In Christ,

PG c[_]]

Did you know that we have ‘text to give’? You can text your tithe (first 10% of your income) & offering amounts to 361-273-2699 along with a word ‘give’ to be prompted how much you would like to give. You can also designate where you want your giving to go (general fund, certain ministries, etc.). You can also set up recurring gives by typing words like: weekly, biweekly, monthly after the dollar amount.

Creek News

Click here to see all our upcoming events!

  • Oso Kids Connect (grades 1-5) & Oso Students (grades 6-12) - Wednesdays at 6:30-8:15pm.

  • Monday Night Activities - Mondays, now thru March 3, 6:30-8:15pm - Ladies & Men’s Bible studies, Kids Games & Worship Practice & childcare. After March 3, we will take a break and begin our next session on April 7.

  • Pray for the mission trip and the six people going to Ecuador, Feb. 22-March 2.

  • Worship Night - Sunday, March 2, 6:30pm. All are invited, childcare will be provided.

  • Men's Breakfast @ Oso - Sat. March 15, 8:30am

  • 3rd Sunday Next Steps - March 16, 10:30am

  • MDO Registration - begins March 19 for fall

  • Volunteer Appreciation - Sunday, March 23, 3-6pm, picnic in the park at West Guth.

  • Church without Walls - Sunday, March 30, 2:15pm in Flour Bluff.

  • Spring Workday - Saturday, April 5, 9am-noon, come get our campus ready for Easter!

  • EASTER FESTIVAL - Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 12, 10am-1pm, invite your friends and sign up to volunteer for our annual celebration of Easter with a festival as a gift to our community!

  • Mercy Me Buc Days Concert - Wed. May 7, 7:00pm - Oso will get group tickets. Be looking for details!

  • Serve - Find your place to use your gifts and talents.

  • Check out our LifeGroup details below and plan to join a group this week!

Click on each to learn more!