October 13th, 2024

We live in a day where so many things can take our attention and our focus. Sometimes we can forget what ‘the main thing is’. This message is all about remember the MAIN thing, especially in a highly political year, time, and season. We are to remember the Kingdom of God and be Kingdom minded. What is the Kingdom of God and what does this charge even mean? It doesn’t matter who wins in November in all levels of politics, Jesus Christ is on the Throne and HE REIGNS.

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Oso Creek Media
October 6th, 2024

What is going on in our world today? There is so much happening that is alarming, shocking, and even quite frightening. We do not really know what tomorrow will bring in this world. We especially feel this way in a political year when we do not know what will happen as our nation turns out to vote. Is there a way to live ‘certain’ in an ‘uncertain’ world? That is the question that Pastor Greg answers by examining a time of uncertainty in the Israelites journey in the wilderness and the OT character Joshua.

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Oso Creek Media
September 29th

This is the second message in our: “Decision Time: Be The Difference” series where Pastor Greg is outlining 5 Biblical principles, attitudes, & behaviors that will help us be more like Christ during this highly political and divided season in our country as well as for the rest of our lives. This message is all about loving your neighbor and actually defining who your neighbor is according to Jesus. Jesus uses a powerful story in Luke 10 to define who our neighbor is.

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Oso Creek Media
September 22nd, 2024

We are currently in a season of decisions in America. The political season always brings about decisions that believers should be praying about to make regarding our local and national government. We each have a decision to act like the world or to act like Christ. This 5 week series outlines 5 Biblical principles, attitudes, and behaviors that will help us BE more like Christ in a hyper-divisive culture. We are called to BE different, respond differently than the world does, and to be the difference.

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Oso Creek Media
September 15th

We close our series on Vision & Mission of the church this morning by talking about something that is VERY vital & important to the Body of Christ. Individual believers growing in Jesus Christ. Pastor Greg has talked about this subject much, but today he dives into the WHY we need to grow in Christ based on the Apostle Paul’s writing in Ephesians 4:10-16. There are dangers lurking for those that are still ‘children’ in their walks with the Lord.

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Oso Creek Media
September 8th, 2024

Growing in community is the theme of the message today. What exactly is church community and why is it so important? Why do churches put so much of an emphasis on ‘church community’? Pastor Greg lists 6 reasons why church community is important based on Hebrews 10:24-25. We were never intended to walk this spiritual journey as a disciple of Jesus alone. We were meant to be involved in each other’s lives, helping each other, serving one another, loving one another, & encouraging one another.

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Oso Creek Media
September 1st

This morning, Pastor Greg discusses the concept of being ‘on mission,’ which is the third element of Oso Creek Church's mission statement. While many people associate being ‘on mission’ with missionary work, it’s actually more personal and focuses on serving others. This message aims to challenge and deepen your walk with Christ through this aspect of our mission statement.

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Oso Creek Media
August 25th, 2024

We continue our sermon series of themes based on Oso Creek Church’s vision & mission statements. This morning Pastor Greg talks about spiritual formation & discipleship by unpacking 2 very theological words: justification and sanctification. What do these words mean & what beautiful truths do they hold for the believer? We find that these 2 words start us on the path of discipleship.

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Oso Creek Media
August 18th, 2024

Pastor Greg begins a series on themes of Oso Creek Church’s vision & mission statements. We start with experiencing God’s presence. How do you fully embrace the presence of God? Today we explore the realities of God’s presence. Practical application is important for us to fully experience God’s presence. The verses of Psalm 21:1-6, 1 Chronicles 16:8-11, Matthew 16:24 give us a roadmap.

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Oso Creek Media
August 4th, 2024

Do you ever wonder what the purpose of life is all about? There are people who send their entire lives searching for their ‘purpose’, and they will fill that void with many things. The Apostle Paul declares what the purpose of humanity is 1 Corinthians 5:22-34 (especially vs 28). Pastor Greg unpacks these important words from the Apostle Paul with a message title: “In Him…”

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Oso Creek Media
July 28th, 2021

The human race is a passionate people. We see a lot of passion for so many things today. The believer is called to one main passion and that passion flows into every part of our lives. What happens though when that passion fades and what do we do about it? These aspects are covered in this message titled: Passionate or Passionless.

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Oso Creek Media
July 21st, 2024

Today Pastor Greg speaks the last message in our series: “the Bible Doesn’t Say That”. The emphasis & ethos behind today’s commonly used phrase, is what we are dealing with today in our culture: cultural relativism, secular humanism & naturalism, and religious pluralism. Today everyone claims to have their own ‘truth’. Solomon wrote a popular section in the Book of Proverbs that speaks in direct opposition to the screaming noise of our culture.

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Oso Creek Media
July 14th, 2024

Today in our series, ‘the Bible Doesn’t Say That’, Pastor Greg talks about a very misquoted voice and unpacks what the Apostle Paul has to say regarding the believer and money by studying his 1st letter to Timothy (chapter 6).

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Oso Creek Media
July 7th, 2024

Today Pastor Greg unpacks a statement that, although the “Bible doesn’t say that”, it can be a true-ish type statement. Today Pastor Greg wants to try to reform a very popular phrase to one that has more meaning, more purpose, and gives God praise. God works in MIRACULOUS ways”

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Oso Creek Media
June 23rd, 2024

It REALLY rained this week in Corpus Christi, TX. We were in the northern band’s path of tropical storm Alberto. We have definitely needed the rain in our drought parched land, but WOW…..some devastation & destruction have happened along with the rain. The musical group Rascal Flats sang a lyric that stated, ‘life is a highway’. They wanted to just drive & drive on this highway of life. Life is not like a highway……life is more like living out in the sea and storms come upon the sea, as a matter of fact, vicious storms can happen on the seas. Sometimes it seems like more than we can handle. Would God actually allow ‘more than we can handle’ in our lives? <—That’s what we are going to discuss this morning.

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Oso Creek Media
June 16th, 2024

Today on this Father’s Day Pastor Greg unpacks a very important statement made by the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 12. This statement pretty much sums up the life of the Apostle Paul and its application is one that is needed to be embraced by men of God as well as women of God. The world does not like weakness, but that is what God is after in us for when we are spiritually weak, that’s when we will be spiritually strong

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Oso Creek Media
June 9th, 2024

As we continue our series: The Bible Doesn’t Say That, we come across a phrase that people think occurs to believers but in reality, the Bible has A LOT to say in the exact opposite. There are people that believe that when one surrenders & submits their lives to Jesus, they pick up their Cross & follow Him(Matt 16:24-26) then they should not have to suffer at all. The Bible actually shows that there is a grand purpose for our suffering.

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Oso Creek Media