Oso Students - Wednesdays 6:30-8:30
Oso Students is in person every Wednesday.
We will begin at 6:30pm, and are led by Jonathan & Lauren Stubbs and Oso volunteers.
We eat dinner together, have fun activities and large and small group times. Bring your Bible as we dig into God’s word.
The Student Ministry at Oso Creek Church is for students in 6th grade through High school and is about empowering our community of young people to be themselves as they grow in Christ and participate in ministry and mission with each other as part of the body of Christ. We have fun activities, and great leaders that equip the youth to be better prepared for the issues they will face everyday. By studying the Bible our students learn about who God created them to be and His relevance to their lives.
Students Mission Trip went to Harlingen June 2-7! Stay tuned for details for a 2025 mission trip.
Mission trip to Harlingen, 2023
New youth space!