Oso Creek ladies and friends, you are invited to a retreat!

This April 25-27, 2025 get away will be at Camp Zephyr and includes two nights, 5 meals (no cooking or cleaning!), all activities including high ropes, and amazing sessions. Lodging is hotel style in the conference center, double occupancy is $150, single for $180, 1 night and 3 meals is $100, Saturday only (includes lunch and dinner and day use fees) is $70.

If you want time with Christian sisters, time alone with God in a beautiful setting and a time for FUN, plan on attending.

Deadline to register is Sunday, April 20. Check in begins on Friday at 5 with dinner at 5:30 and first session following. The last session ends at 10:30 on Sunday.

If you have questions, call the Oso office 361-993-4463 or email admin@osocreek.org.